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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


I pulled out a collector’s coin that mom gave me, it was dads, and when he died, mom thought she should give me something to remember him by

The coin was gold, with silver in the middle, and a five scent sign in the middle, it was a collector that dad treasured greatly

And he never left it home, he called it his lucky coin, and so I never left it home either

I kissed it and asked dad to wish me luck, and then put it back in the bag

It was then that I noticed Drake was staring at me, a quizzical look on his face as he searched my eyes, we stared at each other for what seemed like hours

I looked away out the window, Maria, Laurence and William sat in last of the rows

I guess they got the message that I wanted at least a small bit of alone time

Chapter two


(Drakes P.O.V.)

I sat in the privet plane wondering what was so important about coming here, they still haven’t told me what they have dragged me here for, all they have told me is that I’m to be a bodyguard, a bodyguard of whom? I have no idea

I ran my hand through my blonde hair, it’s blonde, I found, from me being a lion

My eyes are bright green like a cats, night vision is an awesome tool

With my hearing, I could hear a car come onto the tarmac, and the men outside the plain start to prepare for takeoff

The first person to enter the plane was one I didn’t recognize, but she was absolutely beautiful

Her hair was honey blonde, and her eyes were bright green, she was a lion, I kne w it

She seemed to be taking in the plane, her eyes past over me, but she didn’t seem to notice me

She walked over to the last row of seats and sat down, that’s when she noticed me, and we stared at each other for a second, she looked away when Maria and the rest came in

“Hello Drake, I hope we didn’t make you wait too long, this is Jenna, Jenna this is Drake” Maria introduced us

She waved at me, rummaging through her backpack

She pulled out what looked like a coin; she smiled in relief and kissed it, putting it back into her bag

She looked up and met my eyes, we stared at each other for probably five minutes, and it clicked, she’s my mate, I was drawn to her for the same reason my friend Jill was drawn to Lauren

She looked away out the window, seeming depressed in a way

I got up and walked over to the seat across from me “mind if I sit?” I asked

She looked up at me, and then nodded, gesturing for me to take a seat

When I was seated she stared at me expectantly like I was going to say something to her

“So you’re the new shape shifter” I said, more a statement then a question

She nodded “yeah, apparently I’m to shift tomorrow” she replied
